Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Well, I am finally done with my 36 hour work weekend. My mind is fried. I'm a space cadet. I sat at the busiest police desk out of all four of them this weekend, and man did I get hammered.

On a good note, I was able to throw together my mothers day presents for Mamma Stitchaholic and my MIL. I made sterling silver wire wrapped trees of life, with Swarovski crystal birthstones of all the children in their lives. Mr. Stitchaholic has informed me they look nothing like trees. Snoo far to him. What does he know?

I will post pictures and let you be the judges. Until them, I am sitting at Mr. Stitchaholic's restaurant waiting for him to have a free moment to see me. That's a joke, but it's been a rough weekend.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Mother's Day Dilemmas....

Mothers Day is fast approaching, and I had decided earlier this year not to cross stitch anything for either Mamma Stitchaholic or my MIL. Of course, now I haven't the foggiest idea what to do. I don't like to buy generic presents, or do anything normal for that matter. So, what's a girl to do? I thought maybe I'll put together personalized gift baskets, but then what do I put inside? Mamma Stitchaholic loves Victorian things as much as I do, so she'd be easy. Mom in Law, well she's trickier. She's a nurse, loves to camp, and loves her dog Molly. Molly is my dear Franky's Aunt. She too is a golden retriever. Frankly, it's Molly's fault I even like dogs.

So with those dilemmas, what's a girl to do? Do I give MIL a dog themed basket? Do I put together a vintage basket for Mamma Stitchaholic? And should Aunt Molly get one too? With those questions weighing heavily on my mind, I fear I'll spend the next few days sleepless. Mr. Stitchaholic is useless when it comes to things like this. Franky likes all my ideas but doesn't have any suggestions for specifics. And I can't call Mamma Stitchaholic to get her crafty advice either. My sister, we will call her Miss Not-a-Stitchaholic, doesn't have a phone and hasn't been logged on to Facebook or AIM all day. Perhaps I should show up at her apartment and hope she's there.

Well, it's time to go and drive twenty minutes to my local shopping area. At least there I'll have Michaels, Walmart, target, and some other useful stores. Perhaps I should stop for a beer to try to get my creative juices flowing.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Charity Stitching Done, part 1

Well, at 9:09 this evening, or 2109 for those of you on that clock like me, I placed my last stitch in the project I'm stitching for charity. I have committed to a second one as well, the theme for number two being Commander Keen.

While I sit here blogging, my dear Franky is going around the house, collecting any socks or underwear my husband has left lying around. He is bringing them all to my craft room, where he no doubt intends on burying a bone. Thanks, Franky. I love dirty laundry.

While I don't kid myself to think that many, if any, are reading these, it sure does bring entertainment to share the inner workings of the Stitchaholic household.

After I finished Super Mario World, I immediately proceeded to print out the pattern for my next project, also Mario related. While that was printing, I took a shower, cooked dinner, and fed Franky. Now, hair is in a towel, dinner has been eaten, and Franky is full. I have to find the willpower to get up and go to my thread cabinet to put away the threads from the last project, and pull the 88 threads for the next. Yes. 88. Did I mention this project is 3' x 3' ? I am now realizing that this project will be a bitch to carry back and forth to work. I wonder if I can whip up a quick sleeve to carry the fabric in to protect it. Good thing the clothing donation bags are still in the living room. Great source of fabric. Great. Now I'll never go to bed!

Off I go, with a new task on hand. Now I'm really wishing my sewing machine and table weren't still at our old house. Perhaps I can talk Mr. Stitchaholic to grab it tomorrow when he goes over there.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Love the iPad

Well it's day two of owning my iPad. I must say I love it more than I thought I would. And thanks to a very helpful Radio Shack manager, I have downloaded an app called OnLive Desktop. It is essentially Windows for iPad. It has Internet explorer, Microsoft Word, Excel, etc, Paint, and more. I only wish my favorite cross stitch pattern program was available as an app. Oh well. I'm sure it will become available someday.

In my "spare" time, I help my husband with projects for his work. He's a manager at Perkins in Phillipsburg NJ. Every now and then, they give out batches of custom coupons to various organizations, such as schools, charities, etc. They in turn are sold off for fundraising. Now, neither my husband or the GM are crafty people. Enter Mrs. Stitchaholic. So far I have designed, printed, and numbered over 500 coupons. While I don't get paid for my services, I know it is helpful for Mr. Stitchaholic. And what's good for Mr. Stitchaholic is good for Mrs. Stitchaholic. With that said, I am off to print another 400 coupons that he needs for Monday.

I bid you good night.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Day one

As I sit here listening to two very annoying dogs bark in the downstairs apartment, I am looking at my own dog, a 90 pound golden retriever named Franky. I am so grateful to be blessed with such a loving creature, who completes my live and that of my husband...until of course we have kids. But for now, he is living up being an only child.

This is my first blog from my new iPad. I only just recently took the dive in to apple products when I converted to the iPhone. Today, I dove even further by purchasing an iPad. I am so excited to have it, and I don't even know where to start. The one thing that bums me out is that I cant upload photos to my blog from it. I'm sure there is a way, but as a day one newbie, I have yet to figure it out.

I am currently cross stitching a six by six inch square for a charity quilt that my favorite blog makes every year. Enter For this quilt, they take six by six inch screenshots cross stitched on 16 count white aida fabric. Every square has to be stitched, even if the background is white, it has to have a white stitch. My absolutely favorite video game series is Super Mario. So I chose my screenshot to be from Super Mario World, played on the Super Nintendo console. I have finished everything but the blue background. Yawn. Boring....

The squares are due in September, so I'm hoping I have time to stitch another, which I already have planned out and turned in to a pattern. Enter Commander Keen. Hopefully I have time to do this one too. I mean, I know I'll finish this one this weekend, but I already have my next regular project lined up.

And until I can figure out how to add pictures, you'll have to take my word that it looks awesome.

Until then, I bid you adieu.