Sunday, July 1, 2012

Last Post for this Blog

Greetings all ye few who read this.

On Tuesday, my bluetooth keyboard should be coming in the mail. It will make blogging on my iPad a heck of a lot easier. I am going to start a new blog, and try to make it as pretty and colorful as all the blogs I read. So on to the topic of my last blog. Until I converted to the dark side of iPhones, I was a faithful Android lover. I carried around three micro SD cards, as well as two different kind of adapters to use them in other devices. I didn't want to buy a case that was too big or too small, so I concocted one that was just right.

Using the following supplies, I created this:

This was the first one I made, before my collection increased to three micro SD cards.

Mirror, or any case you want - I used an ELF mirror from Target - $1
Foam sheet - on hand, but available at Michaels - $.99
Glue - I don't really need to explain where to buy glue :)

 First, I popped out the tray that was meant to hold eye shadow pods. Trace the insert on your foam.

Cut out the template, and then lay your cards on it, trace them, and cut them out.

Before I glued it, I test fit the pieces inside. Test many times, glue once. Yeah, it doesn't sound as good as measure twice, cut once, but I never claimed to be good at rhyming.

If satisfied, flip it over and apply a nice amount of glue. Then carefully place it in the holder.

 Voila! You have just created a custom micro SD card storage. I found the thickness of the foam was perfect to hold all the pieces in place. When I expanded my collection, I just tossed the other cards in and let them float freely until I revamped my storage. Of course, now that I have an iPhone, I don't quite know what to do with these things. I'm hoping there may be some kind of hacked accessory that you can plug in to your i-Device for expanded storage. I'll keep dreaming.

Well, on behalf of my lack of confessions, I am off. I need to start figuring out how to make my blog pretty. And then there's the issue of picking a title. I'm not sure which task will be harder. Perhaps I should take a break and get a beer. Maybe my blog will look pretty after I've had it. :)


  1. That's really ingenious! I too am converting from Android to iPhone this week! Good luck in the $5 challenge! -heather
