Sunday, May 6, 2012

Charity Stitching Done, part 1

Well, at 9:09 this evening, or 2109 for those of you on that clock like me, I placed my last stitch in the project I'm stitching for charity. I have committed to a second one as well, the theme for number two being Commander Keen.

While I sit here blogging, my dear Franky is going around the house, collecting any socks or underwear my husband has left lying around. He is bringing them all to my craft room, where he no doubt intends on burying a bone. Thanks, Franky. I love dirty laundry.

While I don't kid myself to think that many, if any, are reading these, it sure does bring entertainment to share the inner workings of the Stitchaholic household.

After I finished Super Mario World, I immediately proceeded to print out the pattern for my next project, also Mario related. While that was printing, I took a shower, cooked dinner, and fed Franky. Now, hair is in a towel, dinner has been eaten, and Franky is full. I have to find the willpower to get up and go to my thread cabinet to put away the threads from the last project, and pull the 88 threads for the next. Yes. 88. Did I mention this project is 3' x 3' ? I am now realizing that this project will be a bitch to carry back and forth to work. I wonder if I can whip up a quick sleeve to carry the fabric in to protect it. Good thing the clothing donation bags are still in the living room. Great source of fabric. Great. Now I'll never go to bed!

Off I go, with a new task on hand. Now I'm really wishing my sewing machine and table weren't still at our old house. Perhaps I can talk Mr. Stitchaholic to grab it tomorrow when he goes over there.

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