Saturday, May 5, 2012

Love the iPad

Well it's day two of owning my iPad. I must say I love it more than I thought I would. And thanks to a very helpful Radio Shack manager, I have downloaded an app called OnLive Desktop. It is essentially Windows for iPad. It has Internet explorer, Microsoft Word, Excel, etc, Paint, and more. I only wish my favorite cross stitch pattern program was available as an app. Oh well. I'm sure it will become available someday.

In my "spare" time, I help my husband with projects for his work. He's a manager at Perkins in Phillipsburg NJ. Every now and then, they give out batches of custom coupons to various organizations, such as schools, charities, etc. They in turn are sold off for fundraising. Now, neither my husband or the GM are crafty people. Enter Mrs. Stitchaholic. So far I have designed, printed, and numbered over 500 coupons. While I don't get paid for my services, I know it is helpful for Mr. Stitchaholic. And what's good for Mr. Stitchaholic is good for Mrs. Stitchaholic. With that said, I am off to print another 400 coupons that he needs for Monday.

I bid you good night.

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